- Requirement tree view (View in hierarchical tree)
- Requirement details view(to create linkage between requirements and other entities)
- Requirement grid view(flat non-hierarchical view)
- Coverage analysis view(analyze the breakdown of child requirement according to test coverage)
- Traceability matrix view(to view traceability between requirements and test in a matrix form)
Steps in requirement module
- Create requirement
- Import requirement
- Update requirement
- Convert requirement to test
1. Create requirement
- In requirement module, under view menu select requirement tree view.
- Click the root folder and select new folder to hold your requirements.
- Right click the requirement folder and select new requirement.
For example in the picture below Requirement folder is the root folder which you can not delete nor copy. Mercury tour application is the name of your application under test. Online Travel Booking Services, Online Travel Information Source, Profile Management, Reservation Management, Booking System, Application Security, Application Usability, Application Client System and Application Performance are your major requirements.
You can import requirements from MS Word, MS Excel, third party requirement management tool instead of creating requirements in requirement module. To import the requirements you need to have appropriate add-in installed in your machine.
3. Update requirements
For each requirement, you can update its details for farther understanding about the requirements, you can attach attachments and rich text documents. To do this right click a requirement and select requirement details option to open the requirement details dialogue box.
4. Convert requirement to test
You can use your requirements to assist you to create tests in test plan module. There are two options to convert requirement to test from requirement module. They are
4. Convert requirement to test
You can use your requirements to assist you to create tests in test plan module. There are two options to convert requirement to test from requirement module. They are
- Convert to test
- Generate test
Convert to test
This option is used to convert your requirements to test subject(test folder), test(sub-division), test steps(steps for particular test), test description(comments about particular test) in test plan module.
Generate test
Use this option to convert your requirements to tests in a specified subject in the test plan tree and a specified test set in the test lab module.
Generate test
Use this option to convert your requirements to tests in a specified subject in the test plan tree and a specified test set in the test lab module.
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